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Sunday 28th July 2024

9.30 am

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Those who served World War II


Some 50 people from the village served their country on active service or in other ways and we pay tribute to them. We hope the list below is complete, but if you know of others who were involved please use the contact box below to tell us.

To read the biographies of those who served CLICK HERE.

If you can add anything to the biographies please tell us.

Ablett, (Mrs.)  Mona      HQ Company Office, Catterick

Ablett, William G.      Battery Quartermaster Sergeant, 248th AA  Squadron

Arnott, A.                   Army, Private, S.C.U.I. Suffolk Regiment

Bagg (Miss) Joyce     RAF. L/Corporal, LACW, Bucks.

Barnes, George         Orient Line, SS Ormonde

Bell, J. W.                  Army, RAOC, L/Corporal, Iceland C. Force

Cairns, J. R.              RAF, LAC 1857 Squad. Central Med. Forces

Cattermole, W. G     Army, Private. Suffolk Regiment, No.2 Squad Corps, 8th Corps, Signals, BLA

Cook, Alec N.            RAF

Copping, Eric G.       RAF, Corporal

Driver, Iris Mabel     Civilian, killed 21. 11. 1940 aged 25 in C.A.

Ellis, Muriel

Fairhead, Tom W.     Royal Navy, HMS Lucifer

Graham, Ian              Royal Navy, HMS Royal Arthur,          

Graham, Lilias          Relief Work

Graham, Lord Alastair Royal Navy

Graham, Margaret   ATS, Norwich

GrahamRobin         Royal Navy

Hammond, Arthur    Army, RASC.  Driver. Killed 28. 3. 1941

Hembling, John        Royal Navy,

Kemp, Charles          Army, Gunner.  POW Med. Regiment Spent time in AUV Hospital

Latter, Edward L.      Sergeant, Barrington Hall, A.U.V. Hospital, Leominster.

Latter, Violet M.       ATS, Corporal.  Regimental Police, Pontifract

Leech, (Miss) E.G.    ATS, Private. St. Omer Barracks, ACCTC, Aldershot

Lees, Russell T.        Royal Artillery, Gunner. Killed 19. 12.1943, Chittagong

Lort-Phillips, Raymond    Captain

Lowther, John A.      Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, Lieutenant, HMS President. Died 25. 8. 1942

Manning, F.

Mowson, George       Army

Newman, Albert V.   Royal Navy, HMS Paladin. 

Newman, John          Army

Newman, William A.  Army, Royal Engineers, Sergeant, Fought in both World Wars. Died as result of war wounds in 1951.

Park (Miss) F.M.       V.A.D. Southampton

Park (Miss) R.D.       SRN, 27th General Hospital, MEF

Parsons (Mrs.) C.      Royal Army Medical Corps, Private

Plant, Clifford R.      Army, Corporal, Parachute Regiment. AAC, 7th Batt. Killed 7. 3. 1945, aged 20, Germany

Reade A. E. E.            Captain, MEF, London.

Reeves, J.                 RAF, Flight Sergeant, Staffs and Lincs.

Sawyer, John           

Skeet, Clifford          Army, L/Corporal, HQ Squadron, 6thArmoured Div.

Skipper, Dennis W.  Royal Norfolk Regiment, 1st Batt., South East Asia Command, Private

Skipper, Raymond    Royal Navy, Able Seaman, HMS Valient, HMS Malaya. South East Asia Command.

Smith, Muriel B.      ATS, L/Corporal, Aldershot, married

Smith, Raymond       RAF

Smith, S.                   Army, 2nd Batt. Cambridge Regiment, Malaya Camps POW/missing? 1942

Tidey, (Mrs.) R          SRN, St Lukes Hospital, India

Tildesley, (Mrs.) V. 

Trumpeter, George  Army, 4th Batt. Suffolk Regiment, Private. POW. Died 12.10.1943.

Warne, G.R.               Army, RAMC, HQ 198th Field Ambulance, POW

Wordley, Elizabeth   ATS, Private. Worked in E. Section Home Postal Centre, Notts.      



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